Calculate Flow-Through Factor Results

You can use the Flow-Through functionality to transfer a percentage of data from one unit to another which is useful for partnerships. To activate Flow-Through, a license code and license key are required.

You can manually calculate the "Flow-Through Factor Results" or run the "Flow-Through" calculation, automatically. You must set up the system parameter to run the calculation.


To set up the Calculate Flow-Through Factor Results option:

1.In Administration, click System and then Manage Configurations.
2.Click Advanced Functionality and then Flow-Through.
3.Select Yes for Display the 'Calculate Flow-Through Factor Results' menu item. The option "Calculate Flow-Through Factor Results"  will appear in the navigator menu.


To calculate the Flow-Through:

1.Select Data Input and then expand the Dataset folder.
2.Click Calculate Flow-Through Factor Results.
3.The message appears "Are you sure you would like to calculate unit factor results? WARNING: This will erase all existing flow through data before calculating the new results."


2014.0 flow through warning


To set up the calculation to "Automatically Calculate Flow-Through Factors":

1.In Administration, click System and then Manage Configurations.
2.Click Advanced Functionality and then Flow-Through.
3.Select Yes for Automatically Calculate Flow-Through Factors.


To calculate the Flow-Through automatically:

When you set up the system parameter to "Automatically Calculate Flow-Through Factors", the "Flow Through" is calculated when you run a report.


If a unit is locked, you cannot transfer data to another unit.  A message appears "The Source/Target unit data can not be moved."
To exclude all "Flow Through" classes for the "Target" dataset add the "Dataset" parameter EXCLUDEFLOWTHROUGH.


For more information, refer to the Flow-Through section.