
Tax provision, interim provision, and estimated payments reports can be created in multiple views. Reports are available at different reporting levels. User-defined reporting configurations, known as parameters, can be applied to modify the way reports look as well as add additional reports. Reports at all levels appear in Reporting Currency. All reports appear in Local Currency at the unit level.


To access the reports:

1.Select Reporting.
2.In the Control Center, select the Dataset and then Report Level. For example, you can select "Unit" or "Consolidated" level.
The Display Name, Code, and Type appear.
You can filter filter on report level the list by Display Name, Code, and Type.
To search the report level list by the first column, type the first character in the unit name to filter the list.
3.For Currency, click Local or Reporting.

reporting report level



Reporting Ribbon

reporting ribbon 2013


To run a report:

1.In the Navigator, click Reporting.
2.Select the report to run. For example, click Deferred Support and then Deferred Book/Tax Detail.
3.On the Report Ribbon, select the Report Options that apply.
4.Click Run.


The reports that utilize the "Class Options" include:

Tax Provision
Effective Tax Rate
Deferred Balances
State Deferred Balances


Reporting Ribbon with Class Options

reporting ribbon with classes 2013


Tax Provision Class Report Options

reporting ribbon with break out classes drop down list 2013

Tax Provision Report (only)

To select Report and Class Options for the "Tax Provision Report":

1.Select Reporting and then a report.
2.Select View and then Summary or Detail.
3.Select Breakout and then Class.
4.Then, select the Class (All Classes or a specific class).
The "Class" breakout option allows you to view the "Tax Provision" report broken out by class.

Note: The "Breakout Option" is not available for Tags or Classes/Subclasses.


To select Class Options:

1.For "Class Options", select Class.
2.Click a Class or Group.
The "Class" or "Class Group" name will appear on the report header.
3.Click Run.

Class Options

reporting ribbon with classes drop down list 2013


Note: Select View and Unit Breakout Report options. Click Run and then Format options are available to set up reports.