Custom Sub-Consolidation Reporting

Overview of Custom Sub-Consolidation (CSC) Functionality

In Manage Configurations, the default for the Custom Sub-Consolidation system parameters for both the Tax Provision tab and Effective Tax Rate tab are set to Yes.

The Tax Provision and Effective Tax Rate reports at the sub-consolidated level can be viewed showing Sub Consolidation, rather than Unit detail. There can be multiple CSC groupings. For example, one CSC could be defined to view units by region and another to view units by management lines.

Set-up of CSC

The Administrator is responsible for managing the following system parameters in Manage Configurations.

Add CSC Breakout View in the Tax Provision tab.
Add CSC Breakout Report in the Effective Tax Rate tab.
Add Consolidated PTBI Reconciliation in the Effective Tax Rate tab.

To create the Sub-Consolidations:

In Manage Units > Unit Sub-Consolidations, create a "parent" sub-consolidation beginning with CSC#_X_. You can have multiple CSC breakout's by multiple parent Sub-Consolidations (e.g., CSC1_X_Regions and CSC2_X_Management). In each of the parent sub-consolidations, include all units for the child Sub-Consolidation.

To create a parent add a Code, Name, Unit Type, Country Name, and Currency Symbol.

In Manage Units > Unit Sub-Consolidations, create as many "child" sub-consolidations as you would like beginning with CSC#_ (e.g., CSC1_North America and CSC1_EMEA or CSC2_Corporate, CSC2_Manufacturing).

All units defined for the Parent CSC should be included in only one Child sub-consolidation to ensure that report results are meaningful.
To create a child add a Code, Name, Unit Type, Country Name, and Currency Symbol.

In the following example, D1000, D2000, F1000, and F2000 can only belong to one child sub-consolidation, either CSC1_Domestic or CSC1_Foreign.























D1000, D2000, F1000, and F2000 can only belong to one child sub-consolidation, either CSC1_Domestic or CSC1_Foreign.

To import, complete the appropriate fields on the #CSC# Sub-Consolidations sheet in the Import Categories template. You can create a sheet named #CSC2#, which allows the creation and population of multiple sub-consolidations for a Unit. Column A should have the Unit Code and Columns B through IV should have the CSCs in which the unit should be included. Existing unit designations in a CSC are replaced, not appended, when the #CSC2# is imported. This sheet does not export when categories are exported and is not in the standard template for import categories.

Viewing CSC Reports

After activating parameters, the Effective Tax Rate CSC Breakout report is available.
To display a report, be sure to select the "parent" sub-consolidation (e.g., CSC1_X_Regions and CSC2_X_Management) in the Control Center. The report displays a Total column and a column for each CSC.