Data Source

Active Workpapers can gather data source history, annotate notes making them user-defined and lock data for a specific line item.


A column in the data entry pages enables you to review the latest data source and data history. The icons available reflect how the data is entered and saved. When you click on the icon for a line item, the data source appears with the line item’s history in a grid format. The Data Source, User Name, Date (in Date-Time format), Tag, Class and Subclass are available for review.

Note: You can not attach files to the Data Source History page.


Active Workpapers can map notes utilizing the Actions; SET, GET, or SYNC. When notes are not mapped, the auto-generated notes populate the Notes column. You can annotate the notes as needed.


If you set up calculations to run for a line item, you may not want that data modified, manually. You can lock the data and then a locked icon appears for each locked data source. The locked row will appear differently to show the Read-Only status.

Dataset Level -Lock

You can activate the following dataset parameter to lock the dataset for Active Workpapers. When you lock Active Workpapers at the dataset level, the toolbar is disabled.

To set up the parameter and lock the Active Workpapers at the dataset level:

1.Select Data Input and then Dataset.
2.Select Administration (Dataset) and then Dataset Parameters.
3.For Parameter, click the empty cell and then type AWP_LOCK_AWP.
4.For Parameter Type, select Alphanumeric.
5.For Parameter Value, click the empty cell and then type the paramvalue 1 = locked, 0 = unlocked.
6.Click Save.

Note: When the dataset parameter is activated, a box appears for an administrator to select and lock the Active Workpaper at the dataset-level. If a user tries to open or run a locked Active Workpaper, a message appears The Active Workpapers contains a reference to a locked dataset. The Active Workpapers are Read-Only and cannot be saved.


Administration Level -Lock

You can activate the following system parameter to lock the dataset for Active Workpapers. When you lock Active Workpapers at the system level, the toolbar is disabled.

To set up the parameter and lock the Active Workpapers at the system level:

1.Select Administration and then System.
2.Select Manage Configurations and then Data Entry.
3.Select Lock Data Source.
4.Click Yes for the parameter Lock Active Workpapers data source.
5.Click Save.
6.Click Reload System Configuration.