Effective Tax Rate

In the Effective Tax Rate tab, you can activate system parameters. To find additional information about a parameter, click on the parameter name and the description will display at the bottom left of the screen.


The following parameters and descriptions include:

Enhanced View

Activates additional views of the Effective Tax Rate (ETR) report. The report displays the Effective Tax Rate report in the enhanced mode which includes the following items:

Select Yes, to display the Effective Tax Rate report in the enhanced mode which includes the following items:

Breakout All view (on the consolidated and sub-consolidated level reports) will appear on screen rather than requiring you to export to Excel.
Expanded view (on the consolidated and sub-consolidated level reports) will have the Brkout view options under each column header that will show the unit by unit detail.
Use Unit Tax Rate view (on Unit level reports) and Use Blended Tax Rate views (on Consolidated and sub-consolidated level reports) displays the ETR where it reconcile to the Unit(s) Underlying Tax Rate(s) vs. the Statutory Group Tax Rate designated for the dataset.


Add CSC Breakout Report

Select Yes, to activate the Effective Tax Rate report (at the Sub-Consolidated level) which shows the unit data grouped into their CSC configuration. For this functionality to work, create sub-consolidations using the coding convention CSC#_X. Every unit must be assigned to a CSC#_ sub-consolidation.


Add Consolidated PTBI Reconciliation

Select Yes, to display an additional line on the Effective Tax Rate report called Effective Rate (As a Percentage of Consolidated PTBI) which reconciles all levels of reports to the consolidated amounts. This parameter works in conjunction with the SHOW_EFFRATECSCBRKOUT parameter.


Note: The custom sub-consolidation view of the "Effective Tax Rate" report allows the data of a parent sub-consolidation to appear as separate line items for child sub-consolidations.

admin_manage configurations_effective tax rate tab