Tax Provision |
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In the Tax Provision tab, you can activate system parameters. To find additional information about a parameter, click on the parameter name and the description will appear at the bottom of the page.
The following parameters and descriptions include: Enhanced View Select Yes, to display the Tax Provision report in the enhanced mode which includes the following items:
Hide Deductible State Tax Detail Select Yes, to hide the breakout of the Total Deductible State Tax to the state by state detail when Enhanced view of the Tax Provision report is active.
Add GAAP-STAT Report Select Yes, to activate an additional Tax Provision report which has the GAAP-STAT format. The permanent and temporary difference amounts tagged with tag letters configured as GAAP-STAT Tag(s) will be sub-totaled as PTBI in Local STAT. All other permanent and temporary differences tagged with letters other than ones identified as GAAP-STAT Tag will be sub-totaled as STAT to Tax adjustments.
GAAP-STAT Tag Tag Letter(s) designated in the drop-down list box will be used to separate data into the section that sub-totals to the line called PTBI in Local STAT on the GAAP-STAT Tax Provision report. All permanent and temporary difference activity with the designated tag letter appear in the GAAP to STAT adjustments section. The activity is added to PTBI to arrive at PTBI in Local STAT. All other permanent and temporary differences that do not have the designated tag letter display in the section that shows STAT to Tax adjustments. You can review in the section that sub-totals to the line called PTBI in Local STAT on the GAAP-STAT Tax Provision report.
Additional GAAP-STAT Tag Additional Tag Letter(s) can be added by selecting a letter within the drop-down list.
GAAP-STAT Classes Classes designated in the drop-down list box will be used to separate data into the section that sub-totals to the line called PTBI in Local STAT on the GAAP-STAT Tax Provision report. All permanent and temporary difference activity with the designated tag letter appear in the GAAP to STAT adjustments section. The activity is added to PTBI to arrive at PTBI in Local STAT. All other permanent and temporary differences that do not have the designated tag letter display in the section that shows STAT to Tax adjustments. You can review in the section that sub-totals to the line called PTBI in Local STAT on the GAAP-STAT Tax Provision report.
Additional GAAP-STAT Classes Additional Classes Letter(s) can be added by selecting a letter within the drop-down list.
Note: The same letter should be used for each set of GAAP-STAT Tags and Additional GAAP-STAT Tag parameters. Add CSC Breakout View
Exclude State Non-Cash Tax Adj from Fed Prv Rpt