Transferring Data from ONESOURCE Estimated Payments

1.Select Data Transfer on the Navigator pane.
2.Select ONESOURCE Estimated Payments. The Estimated Payments Worksheet opens.
3.Check that the following fields are correct:
oTarget Dataset
oEst Year
oQuarter or Extension, for example Q1 or EXT1.
oFiling Unit
oUse Entity Map
oTag (for Tag datasets)
oTarget Unit

4. Click the Retrieve Data icon.

Click Retrieve State Payments, Retrieve Federal Payments, or Retrieve Federal and State Payments.

5. Select Populate Data to Provision.



The status bar shows the transfer is in progress.

6.Review the Estimated Payments Dataset.
a.The Estimated Worksheet is saved in Global Attachments, within the System folder in Administration.
b.To review the Estimated Payment log file, select Data Transfer, Status and then ONESOURCE Estimated Payments Logs.
c.To verify the transferred data, select Data Input and verify the Target Dataset in the Control Center.
d.Select Federal or State Payable and review the transferred data.
e.A unique Data Source icon appears for the Unit Payable Data Review and Audit Trail data that populated from Estimated Payments.



When data is transferred multiple times and has all the same attributes the transferred data will write over the existing data. If you change one of the attributes then, a new line item will appear when you populate the Payable Entry screen. For example, if you select a different Txn Type for the additional data transfer a new line appears for the Unit Payable Data Review with that Txn Type along with that Amount.
The data transferred will include Franchise Tax as part of the payable amount.