Transfer Data to ONESOURCE Estimated Payments

To transfer data to the Estimated Payments for the tax liability calculations, you will need to set up the several parameters.

1.In the Navigator, select Administration, then System and Manage Configurations.
2.Next, select Integration and then Estimated Payments.
3.Select Yes, for Transfer Amounts in Reporting Currency.
4.Select the Datasets that represent actual or forecast data in ONESOURCE Estimated Payments.
The data transferred includes the Actual Data for the Quarter and Extension selected.
5.Select the Actual Months.
Select the number of months that represent the Actual Data.
The "Actual Month" field is required when you select dataset value for the selected quarter.
Select the dataset as "actual data representing a minimum of 1 month, or maximum up to 12."
Select the Datasets for the Forecast Data. The Forecast dataset transfers 12 months of data, only.



Estimated Payments will annualize the transferred actual data; therefore, Actual Months must be selected for the Actual Datasets.
You can transfer 12 months of data using a Provision, Interim Actual, or Interim Forecast dataset. You are not required to have "months" for the datasets selected in the Forecast Data column because these datasets are presumed to include 12 months of data.
The data transferred includes the Total Deductible State Tax (shown on the Tax Provision report) as a permanent difference in Estimated Payments, with the system-generated code SYS_GEN_PD_DST and description of Deductible State Tax from Tax Provision Report.