Foreign\Domestic Summary

Reporting Levels:


Filing Group



Control Center Configurable Options:






Source Data:

All Data Input Screens

Available Views:

Summary, Prior Year Breakout


The Foreign/Domestic Summary report for Provision and Interim datasets displays an overview of the different elements of the tax provision broken out for foreign and domestic entities for the dataset, unit, or sub-consolidation selected in the Control Center. Supporting detail for calculations can be viewed on separate reports.


Note: Differing rounding policies can cause amounts on this report, as well as the Effective Tax Rate and Tax Provision reports, to be out of sync by a minimal amount.


Provision Items

Total Tax Provision
Effective Tax Rate


Report Views

Defaults to domestic federal and state, and foreign federal and state provision entries.
Prior Year Breakout: Provides domestic federal and state, and foreign federal and state provision entries for the prior year. This view is driven by the Prior_Year_Tag# dataset parameter.


Line by Line

Depending on the unit's Domestic or Foreign designation, data for the unit displays either in the top two or the lower two sections.
Current: Tax Provision Report - Total Current Federal Provision or State Summary - Provision Summary - State Current Tax Provision line in a Provision dataset. Interim Provision Report - Total Current Federal Provision line or State Summary - Provision Summary - State Current Tax Provision line in an Interim dataset.
Deferred: Tax Provision Report - Deferred Tax Provision or State Summary - Provision Summary - State Deferred Tax Provision line in a Provision dataset. Interim Provision Report - Deferred Tax Provision line or State Summary - Provision Summary - State Deferred Tax Provision line in an Interim dataset.
Equity: Tax Provision Report - Equity Adjustment or State Summary - Provision Summary - State Equity Adjustment line in a Provision dataset. Interim Provision Report - Equity Adjustment line or State Summary - Provision Summary - State Equity Adjustment line in an Interim dataset.
PTBI: Tax Provision Report - Pre-Tax Book Income line in a Provision dataset. Interim Provision Report - Pre-Tax Book Income line in an Interim dataset.


Column by Column

Pre-Tax Book Income: Data Input > Federal > Unit Details > PTBI in a Provision dataset. Data Input > Actual > Federal > Unit Details > PTBI in an Interim dataset.
Total Tax Provision: Tax Provision Report - Total Tax Provision line in a Provision dataset. Interim Provision Report - Total Tax Provision line in an Interim dataset.
Effective Tax Rate: Tax Provision Report - Effective Tax Rate line in a Provision dataset. Interim Provision Report - Effective Tax Rate line in an Interim dataset.