Pre-Tax Book Income

The Pre-Tax Book Income page is located in the Federal folder within Data Input for Provision and Estimated Payments datasets. For Interim datasets, the Pre-Tax Book Income page is located in the Federal folder, in Forecast/Actual, within Data Input.

Depending on the Data Policy either the Pre-Tax Book Income (Local) and/or Pre-Tax Book Income (USD) are editable. If the Data Policy selected calculates the balance, then the balance is not editable. Although the field is named Pre-Tax Book Income (USD), this figure also represents Pre-Tax Book Income in Reporting Currency other than the US Dollar.


To add Pre-Tax Book Income with "Tags":

1.Hover over a cell and then click the drop-down list to add a New Entry.
2.Select Code-Description.
3.Select Tag.
4.Type Amount (Reporting) and Amount (Local) updates with the same value.
5.Select Note and type your notes.
6.Click Save.


To create Pre-Tax Book Income with Classes and Sub-Classes:

1.Hover over a cell and then click the drop-down list to add a New Entry.
2.Select Code-Description.
3.Select Class.
4.Select Subclass.
5.Type Amount (Reporting) and Amount (Local) updates with the same value.
6.Select Note and type your notes.
7.Click Save.


Pre-Tax Book Income Details

You can enter local and reporting amounts.
When reviewing Pre-Tax Book Income, an income amount is entered as a positive number and a loss amount is entered as a negative number.
PTBI Data Entry Policy appears and is set up on the Rates page.
Wghtd Avg FX Rate appears and is set up on the Rates page.


Screen Entry Fields


Attmnts enable you to attach documents and supplement detail for an adjustment. To Manage Attachments double click in the Attmnts cell and Attachments and Comments opens.



Data Source enables you to view the Data Source History.


Code - Description

The code and description are established by an Administrator for the Pre-Tax Book Income.



The tag letter identifies each line entered in the originating source. The Tag column only appears in Tag Datasets.



The class identifies each line entered in the originating source. The list of Classes are created and assigned in "Administration."



The subclass identifies each line entered in the originating source. The list of Subclasses are created and assigned in "Administration."


Amount (Local)

Type the Local balance.


Amount (Reporting)

Type the Reporting balance.



Type notes for the entry, if desired.


To import information on the PTBI section, complete the appropriate fields on the #U# Unit sheet in the Import Numbers template. For more information on importing, refer to the Importing Templates documentation.