Forecast Interim Unit Details |
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Pre-Tax Book Income and Rate information is managed in the Forecast Interim Unit Details screen under Data Input > Forecast > Federal in an Interim dataset. To import information, complete the appropriate fields on the #FORU# Forecast Unit sheet in the Import Numbers template. For more information on importing, refer to the Importing Templates documentation. Note: You will find the unit detail screen for interim has a different format than the unit detail screen for provision.
Screen Entry Fields Pre-Tax Book Income - Estimated Pre-Tax Book Income Pre-Tax Book Income should be entered in local currency. Estimated Pre-Tax Book Income can either be entered as an annualized amount or in amounts for the four quarters that make up the annual amount when Enable Quarterly PTBI is selected. Note: When Enable Quarterly PTBI is selected, Instead of adding rounding excess to the fourth quarter, each quarter now shows its own rounding. Check the rounding when the annual amount is not evenly divisible by four.
Estimated Annual Weighted Average FX Rate The specified Weighted Average Foreign Exchange rate for the unit for the period covered by the dataset. Enter the rate using the ratio of what 1 unit of the reporting currency would equal in the local currency. The Weighted Average Foreign Exchange rate is used to convert entries for the unit that have an Income Statement provision impact. Enter 1 if the local and reporting currency are the same.
Exclude Unit Designation
Note: The interim reports are indicated with an asterisk and footnote in a report, if the unit is an Excluded Foreign Loss or Excluded Unit unit (for example, *Exclude Unit or **Exclude Foreign Loss).
Unit Tax Rates
Deferred FX Rates In the Beginning and Ending fields, enter the specific Beginning and Ending Spot rates for the unit for the period covered by the dataset. Enter the rate using the ratio of what 1 unit of the reporting currency would equal in the local currency. The Beginning and Ending Spot rate is used to convert entries for the unit that have a Balance Sheet provision impact. Enter 1 if the local and reporting currency are the same.
Deferred Provision Only Adjustment