APIC Pool Amounts

Additional Paid in Capital (APIC) Pool Amounts information is managed in the APIC Pool Amounts screen under Data Input > Federal in the Provision and Estimated Payments datasets and under Data Input > Actual > Federal in an Interim dataset. The APIC Pool data entry area tracks activity in the APIC Pool which will display in the APIC Pool Report:

The windfalls and shortfalls from FAS 123R Stock Option Exercise are measured against the APIC Pool to determine the required provision treatment.
You can track the Deferred Tax Asset related to the issuance of stock options (Amortized Compensation) with the related APIC Pool.

The APIC Pool Amounts screen and report are only available when the system parameter is enabled.  To activate the APIC Pool functionality, an Administrator needs to add the following system parameter in Manage Configurations.

In the Administration area > System > Manage Configurations select the Reporting Section then, APIC Pool > APIC Pool Data Entry + Report, select Yes.

To import information to the Permanent Differences screen, complete the appropriate fields on the #UAPIC# APIC Pool Amounts sheet in the Import Numbers template. For more information on importing, refer to the Importing Templates documentation.


Screen Entry Fields

Enter the following APIC amounts:

Beginning Balance
Pre-Adoption APIC Adj.
Tax Benefit/(Detriment)
Intercompany Reclass
Other - With DTA Impact
Other - Without DTA Impact
Posted to Deferred Only


Enter the following Suspense amounts:

Beginning Balance
Other - With DTA Impact
Other - Without DTA Impact


Enter the following tax rates:

Federal Beginning
State Beginning


Manage Attachments

Attmnts enable you to attach documents and supplement detail for an adjustment.

1.To Manage Attachments double click in the Attmnts cell and Attachments and Comments opens.
2.Click Browse to find the file.
3.Type a Description.
4.Click Add.
5.Click Close.


Note: Enter all amounts in Reporting currency.