Heading Descriptions

Active Workpaper Icons


Create Active Cell

Click Create Active Cell and then select the cell to mark as the new active cell.
oThe Active Cell Mapping is used to transfer data to and from the application.
oThe Active Cell Mapping is defined in order from top to bottom.
oThe Active Cell Mapping is modified by clicking the cell and selecting another option from the mapping list.

Delete Active Cell

Click the Active Cell and then Delete Active Cell.
oA message appears asking if you want to remove the selected Active Cell(s).
oYou can delete multiple cells by pressing the Ctrl key and then selecting the active cells to delete.

Copy Cell Mapping

Click the Active Cell and then Copy Cell Mapping.
oYou can copy one cell at a time.

View Cell Mappings

Click the Active Cell and then View Cell Mappings.
oWhen selecting this feature, Active Cell Mapping will appear and disappear.

Check Cell Mappings

Click the Active Cell and then Check Cell Mappings.
oA message appears letting you know that if the mapping sheet does or does not contain errors.


Click the Active Cell and then Publish. To transfer the data from the Active Workpaper to the data entry pages, click Yes.
oYou can publish mapped data for the GET action from Active Workpaper to the ONESOURCE Tax Provision.
oPublishing data from an Active Workpaper will change your data in ONESOURCE Tax Provision. Click Yes to continue.


Click Refresh to refresh all GET/SET/SYN cells in the Active Workpaper to match the data in ONESOURCE Tax Provision.
4.Click Create Active Cell and then select the desired cell.


Select one of the Action commands GET/SET/SYN.


When you select the option GET/SET/SYN, the PTBI codes appear for the Adjustments.
When you select the option SET, the PTBI policy allows you to map Local data for Policy #1 for a selected unit.
You can select multiple Sub-classes using the GET option.

Component Type

Select a Component Type.
oThe component type is a required field.
oTo find the valid component codes select the section Federal Component Codes and Fields or State Component Codes and Fields.


Select the Dataset to transfer the Active Workpaper data to the data entry pages.


Select the Unit to transfer the Active Workpaper data to the data entry pages.


Select the State to transfer the Active Workpaper data to the data entry pages.


Select the Tax Adjustment to transfer the Active Workpaper data to the data entry pages.


Select the Tag to transfer the Active Workpaper data to the data entry pages.
oThe tag letter corresponds to the “source” or “tag” in data entry.
oThis column defaults to I, for import, if no value is specified.
oValues for this column can be any letter from B - Z.


The class corresponds to the "class" source in data entry.


The sub-class corresponds to the assigned "class" in data entry.

Adjustment Type

The type of adjustment (Current, Non-Current, Profit & Loss Adjustment, or Equity Adjustment).


Maps information to the corresponding field of a component and indicates something unique about the type of data entry. For example, you could use BSO to indicate that the temporary difference specified in the range name is entered as Balance Sheet Only.
5.Select the following options for the "Active Cell Mapping" to enter the details for a component.
a.Select the Active Cell and then the "Action" command; GET, SET, or SYN.
b.Select the Component Type.
For AMT Automation select the Currency, in Local or Reporting.
For Payable/State Payable select Txn Bucket and Fiscal Years.
The UNITCALC component type has a selection of calculated values available.
oSelect the Currency, in Local or Reporting.
oFor additional information on using calculated values, go to the Calculated Values page.
The STATECALC component type has a selection of raw values.
oSelect the Currency, in Local or Reporting.
oFor additional information in State Component Codes and Fields section.
c.Select Dataset.
The "Dataset" lists the datasets that you have permission to access.
An "Interim Dataset" has 6 Quarters by default.
d.Select a Unit.
The "Unit" lists the units that you have permission to access.
e.Select a State.
If the "Component Type" is a state component, then "State" appears for "Active Cell Mapping."
f.Select an Adjustment.
g.Select an Adjustment Type.
For Perm Diffs PD, select Profit & Loss Adjustment (P) or Equity (E) Adjustment.
For Temp Diffs TD, select Current (C) or Non-Current (NC).
h.Select a Tag, or Class/Sub-Class (source code).
The Tag or Class/Subclass field is assigned when creating datasets.
The tags available in the Tag list are set up in Administration.
The classes available  in the Classes list are set up in Administration.
A dataset has tags or classes, not both.
i.Select a Field for Notes.
6.Click Save Mapping.
7.If the Active Workpapers do not have a #MAP# sheet, a message appears "Mapping sheet not found. Would you like to add one?"
Click Yes to create the #MAP# sheet.
The active cell’s mapping appears in the #MAP# sheet.
Once a #MAP# sheet is created, you are not asked to create mapping sheet, again.
Mappings are listed in the order activated.