Active Workpaper Setup

First, you must add the license within the application to access the Active Workpapers functionality. For more information, refer to the License section.

To access the Active Workpaper function follow these steps:

1.Select Active Workpapers within Data Input, Dataset, Federal, or State for attaching the spreadsheet. (For more information on levels, see the Data Entry Levels section.)
a. For Provision dataset levels, in the Control Center select a dataset with Prov for the Type from the Dataset list.

In the Navigator, select:

Data Input then, Dataset and Active Workpapers.
Data Input then, Federal and Active Workpapers.
Data Input then, State and Active Workpapers.
b. For Estimated Payments dataset levels, in the Control Center select a dataset with Est Pymt for the Type from the Dataset list.

In the Navigator, select:

Data Input then, Dataset and Active Workpapers.
Data Input then, Federal and Active Workpapers.
Data Input then, State and Active Workpapers.
c.For Interim dataset levels, in the Control Center select a dataset with Int for the Type from the Dataset list.

In the Navigator, select:


Data Input then, Forecast next, Federal and Active Workpapers.
Data Input then, Forecast next, State and Active Workpapers.


Data Input then, Actual next, Dataset and Active Workpapers.
Data Input then, Actual next, Federal and Active Workpapers.
Data Input then, Actual next, State and Active Workpapers.
2.To add a spreadsheet:
a.Click Add New and then Browse for a Filename.
b.Type a description and then click Add.
3.On the Active Workpapers page, select the desired workpaper.
You can double-click the workpaper or select the workpaper and then click Open.