Legacy Tax Provision

Reporting Levels:





Control Center Configurable Options:






Source Data:

All Data Input Screens

Available Views:

Unit Breakout


The Legacy Tax Provision (State) report in the Provision dataset displays state tax provision calculations for the state selected in the Control Center. Supporting detail for calculations can be viewed on separate reports.


Provision Items

Current State Tax Expense
Deferred State Tax Expense
State Equity Offset to Current Expense
Total State Tax Provision


Report Views

Defaults to a detail view.
Selecting Unit breakout generates an Excel spreadsheet that details unit-by-unit underlying calculations for the state's provision expenses.


Line by Line

Federal Taxable Income: Federal Taxable Income Post-NOL line from the Federal Tax Provision report. In the consolidated and sub-consolidated views, each unit must have the state record activated in order to include the unit's Federal Taxable Income in the state level report. If the record has not been activated, there is a difference in the two reports. The state does not have to have a tax rate or apportionment.
Backout: Permanent Differences not includable for State: Data Input > Unit > Permanent Differences and InterCompany Transaction Entry, where includable status is No.
Backout: Temporary Differences includable for State: Data Input > Unit > Temporary Differences - Tax Basis and Temporary Differences - Book/Tax Basis, where includable status is No. Only amounts entered as Activity. Deferred Only and Balance Sheet Only entries do not impact the current tax provision calculation.
Add-back: Deductible State Tax: Deductible State Tax line from the Federal Tax Provision report.
Adjusted Federal Taxable Income: Sum of Federal Taxable Income, Backout: Permanent Differences not includable for State, Backout: Temporary Differences includable for State, and Add-back: Deductible State Tax.
Modifications: Data Input > State > State Permanent Differences.
Temporary Difference Adjustments: Data Input > State > State Temporary Differences - Tax Basis. Only amounts entered as Activity. Deferred Only and Balance Sheet Only entries do not impact the current tax provision calculation.
Allocable Income: Sum of Adjusted Federal Taxable Income, Modifications, and Temporary Difference Adjustments lines.
State Apportionment Percentage: Data Input > State > State Details. Only displayed at the Unit level. To view this line in the consolidated or sub-consolidated level, select Unit breakout.
Apportioned Income Pre-NOL: Allocable Income line times State Apportionment Percentage line.
NOLs: Data Input > State > State After Apportionment Temporary Differences - Tax Basis.
Apportioned Income: Sum of Apportioned Income Pre-NOL and NOLs lines.
State Tax Rate: Data Input > State > State Details. Only displays at the Unit level. To view this line in the consolidated or sub-consolidated level, select Unit breakout.
Tax Before Credits: Apportioned Income line times the current State Tax Rate line.
After Tax State Temporary Differences: Data Input > State > State After Tax Temporary Differences - Tax Basis. Only amounts entered as Activity. Deferred Only and Balance Sheet Only entries do not impact the current tax provision calculation.
Cash Tax Adjustments: Data Input > State > State Tax Adjustments. Only "cash" items with codes that do not start with NC_.
Cash Provision: Sum of Federal Tax - Tax Before Credits, After Tax State Temporary Differences, and Cash Tax Adjustments.
Non-Cash Tax Adjustments: Data Input > State > State Tax Adjustments. Only "non-cash" items with codes that start with NC_.
Current State Provision: Sum of Cash Provision and Non-Cash Tax Adjustments.
Begin Deferred Tax Per B/S: The Total Beginning Balance column of the Deferred Balances report with the State view option.
Bal Sheet Only Adjustment: Data Input > Unit > Temporary Differences - Tax Basis, Temporary Differences - Book/Tax Basis, NOL Temporary Differences - Tax Basis  plus Data Input > State > State Temporary Differences - Tax Basis times the appropriate rates and apportionment percentage plus Data Input > State > State After Apportionment Temporary Differences - Tax Basis times the appropriate rates plus Data Input > Unit > After Tax Temporary Differences - Tax Basis and After Tax Temporary Differences - Book/Tax Basis plus Data Input > State > State After Tax Temporary Differences - Tax Basis. Only amounts entered as Balance Sheet Only entries do not impact the current tax provision calculation.
Ending Deferred Tax Per B/S: The Total Ending Balance column of the Deferred Balances report with the State view option.
CTA: The Total CTA column of the Deferred Balances report with the State or State+FBOS and Expanded (income statement) view options.
Deferred Provision Only: Data Input> State> State Details.
Deferred Tax Provision: Begin Deferred Tax Per B/S plus Bal Sheet Only Adjustment minus Ending Deferred Tax Per B/S plus CTA and Deferred Provision Only lines.
Equity Adjustment: Data Input > Unit > Permanent Differences. Reversal of the impact to the current provision for Equity Adjustment Permanent Differences.
Total State Provision: Sum of the Total Current Provision, Deferred Tax Provision, and Equity Adjustment lines.