Lock/Unlock Unit

You can review the results of the Unit Summary report in the Lock/Unlock Unit option. You can view the Unit Code, Name, Pre-Tax, Total Tax, ETR, Note, Locked, Primary Contact, Last Modified, and Date. You can Lock/Unlock units within a dataset. The option filters the unit list using the Primary Contact name. By default, the filter is turned on, and only the units that are assigned to the "Primary Contact" appear. Columns highlighted in "Orange" are filtered. You can "Clear" the filter to view additional information in the list.


2014.0 lock unlock unit


To filter the unit list:

1.Click the Primary Contact filter icon.
2.Select the "Locked" filter and then click Clear Filter to remove the filter.
3.Click Clear All Filters to remove "all" filters.
4.Click Text Filters to enter filter criteria for the "Primary Contact":
oDoes Not Equal
oBegins With
oEnds With
oCustom Filter


To lock units in a dataset:

1.In Data Input, select Dataset and then Lock/Unlock Unit.
2.Click Locked for each "Unit Code."
3.Click Save.


To lock "all" units in a dataset:

1.Click Locked in the column header.
If you select the option to "lock all units", then a message appears Are you sure you want to lock all units?
2.Click OK to proceed.
3.Click Cancel to close without locking all units.


To unlock units in a dataset:

1.Click Locked in the "Locked" column header to remove the option.
2.Click Save.


Note: You cannot "Import" data into a locked unit.