
In the Other tab, you can activate system parameters. To find additional information about a parameter, click on the parameter name and the description will display at the bottom left of the screen.


The following parameters and descriptions include:

Deferred Provision Only Data Entry

Configures the use of the Deferred Provision Only field on Unit Details. Choosing 1 will display the Deferred Provision Only field as Read Only. Choosing 2 will remove the Deferred Provision Only field.


Track Log Messages

Select Yes, to have the ability to track log messages.


Allow Global Attachments

Select Yes, to have the ability to attach and view Global Attachments.


Browse and Update Attachment Button

Select Yes, to have the ability to have the browse and update attachment button made available.


Attachment Save As Button

Select Yes, to have the ability to have the Save As button made available.


Enable Database Analyzer

Select Yes, to enable the Database Analyzer.


Enable Audit Trail when Running Reports

Select Yes, to Enable the Audit Trail when running reports to optimize speed.


Hide Data Source for non admin users

To add Data Source Icons and History:

Click Yes to "Enable the Data Source History to be captured."
Click Yes to "Hide Data Source for Read/Write users to remove the display for non-Admin users."


Disable Audit Trail Numbers Import and Bridging

To disable the audit trail for importing and bridging numbers.


Show unit name before code

Allows the unit name to display before the unit code in the Unit drop-down list in the Control Center.


Modify Unit Codes

You can modify unit codes in Administration > Manage Units.


Hide Case Number in Manage Dataset

Select Yes, to hide the case number in manage datasets.


Pre-Defined States in Control Center

The CC_DISABLE_STATES system parameter with a paramvalue of 1 removes pre-defined states from the Control Center. The State drop-down list can be limited to user-defined states created in the States screen in Manage States under the Administration area. If a smaller selection of states that exists in the pre-defined states should be viewed in the Control Center, they should be added to the user-defined states.