Password Options

In the Password Options, you can activate system parameters. To find additional information about a parameter, click on the parameter name and the description will display at the bottom left of the screen.


The following parameters and descriptions include:

Password Expiration Time

Add the TSPasswordExpireDays system parameter with a paramvalue of a number, which determines how many days a password can be active.


Minimum Digits in Password

Add the TSPasswordMinDigits system parameter with a paramvalue of a number, which determines the minimum number of characters for a user's password.


Minimum Length of Password

Add the TSPasswordMinLength system parameter a paramvalue of a number, which determines the minimum number of keystrokes that must exist in a user's password.


Lockout Period after Failed Login

Add the LockoutMinutes system parameter with a paramvalue of a number, which determines the amount of minutes a user is locked out of the system after they have reached the maximum number of failed login attempts.


Maximum Failed Login Attempts Before Lockout

Add the MaxFailedLogins system parameter with a paramvalue of a number, which determines the maximum number of times a user can enter the wrong password before the user is locked out of the system.


Passwords Kept in History

Add the PassHistNum system parameter with a paramvalue of a number, which determines the number of unique passwords that must be used before a password can be repeated.


Make User Logins Not Case-Sensitive

Select Yes to make the user logins not case-sensitive.