The Post Ret-to-Prov option is located in Data Input within the Dataset folder. You can post the RTP on a dataset, sub-consolidation, or unit basis. The RTP posting activates the units/states which are not active, in the related provision dataset (RTP Provision). If a posting is generated for any non-activated units/states, rates are copied from the related return dataset. The State RTP correctly allocates the amount for the return basis provision between the RTP PERM and RTP TEMP components. When using the automatic RTP posting functionality, if one of the datasets (Provision or Return) has a state with an apportionment percentage that does not equal 100% the NC_ postings for perms and temps are broken down correctly between NC_PERM and NC_TEMP.

To post the return to provision:

1.In the Navigator, select Dataset and then Post Ret-to-Prov.
2.Choose Dataset (all units), Sub-consolidation or Unit.
3.Click Run and the data posts to the units.

data input_post ret-to-prov 2014


Note: To see the Post Ret-to-Prov option, you must relate a RTP Return, RTP Provision, and RTP Target dataset to each other in Dataset Relations. Then, in the Control Center, select the dataset that is set up as the RTP Return.