Provision View

Provision view allows you to review the "Tax Provision" without having to create a report to check the tax provision impact of an entry.  Also, you can select datasets to "Compare" dataset and unit balances. Provision 1 balances are dependent on the "Dataset" and "Unit" selected in the Control Panel; Provision 2 balances are dependent on the "Dataset" and "Unit" selected on the "Provision View" page. Hyperlinks allow you to access the detail for balances by selecting a balance.

To review and update the data entry amount for a "balance."

1.Click a Balance hyperlink.
2.When the page opens, review the data entry amount.
3.Type a new Amount, if needed.
4.Click the "Amount Totals" Balance hyperlink to return to the "Provision View" page.


To compare the data entry amounts for "balances."

For "Provision 2", select a Dataset and then a Unit. You can compare different units to each other.

Note: To lock the "Unit", click Lock Unit Provision 1. The lock icon will appear in the "Control Panel" for the unit. If the unit is locked in Global Access, the user information appears here.