
A "Unit Transfer" is the transfer of a partial or full balance from one unit to another. Select the "Transfer Wizard" to set up the unit transfer. You can transfer units that have the same "Federal Ending Deferred" rate and the same "Ending Deferred FX" rate.  You may need to make an adjustment to account for any "State" rate differences that occur during the unit transfer.

To transfer deferred/payable balances from on unit to another:

1.In the "Control Center", select the Dataset and Unit.
2.In "Data Input", select Federal and then Unit Details.
3.Select Properties and then click Yes to "Activate the Transfer Tab."
4.Click Transfers and then Transfer Wizard.


Transfer Unit Data

In "Transfer Unit Data", the "Source Unit" is the unit selected in the "Control Center."

1.Select the Target Unit.
2.For "Transfer Data":
a.Select All Data at 100%.
b.Select Percentage and then type a percentage.
c.Select Custom to transfer an amount of a particular adjustment.
3.For "Transfer Items":
a.Select Temporary to transfer the deferred balances.
b.Select Payable to transfer the payable balances.
c.Select Temporary & Payable to transfer deferred and payable balances.
4.Click Next.
5.For "Transfer Unit Data":
a.You can select the following "Temporary Diffs Components" to "Transfer."
i.Click Federal Temp Diffs - Tax Basis.
ii.Click Federal Temp Diffs - Book/Tax Basis.
iii.Click Federal After Tax Temp Diffs - Tax Basis.
iv.Click Federal After Tax Temp Diffs - Book/Tax Basis.
v.Click Federal NOL Temp Diffs - Tax Basis.
b.You can select the following "Payable Components" to "Transfer."
i.Click Federal Payable.
ii.Click State Payable.
6.Click Next.


Transfer Classes -Temporary Differences

1.To set up the "Classes" to transfer with temporary differences, you will select classes for the "Temporary Differences". The "Classes" are set up in "Administration" within the "Manage Class Types" folder. You can select Classes/Subclasses to review the classes set up for "Transfers."
a.Select Transfer Out Current Class.
b.Select Transfer Out Non-Current Class.
c.Select Transfer In Current Class.
d.Select Transfer in Non-Current Class.


2.Type Notes, if desired.
3.Click Yes to Review Transfer Payable.
4.Click Next.


Transfer Classes - Payable

1.To set up the "Classes" to transfer with payable balances, you will select classes for the "Payable Balances." The "Classes" are set up in "Administration" within the "Manage Class Types" folder. You can select Classes/Subclasses to review the classes set up for "Transfers."
a.Select Transfer Out Class.
b.Select Transfer Out Transaction Type.
c.Select Transfer Out Transaction Bucket.
d.Select Transfer In Class.
e.Select Transfer In Transaction Type.
f.Select Transfer In Transaction Bucket.
2.Type Notes, if desired.
3.Click Yes to Review Transfer Payable data.
4.Click Next.


Review Transfer

1.If you selected Yes to Review Transfer for Temp Diffs and Payable data, the "Next" pages allow you to review the balances for each transfer.  If no balances are transferred the "Total Selected" line will equal zero.
a.Review the Ending Balance.
Balance from the "Source" Unit.
b.Review the Transfer Amount.
Balance to "Transfer."
2.Review the Total Selected.
3.Click Next.
4.For the "Final Review", click By checking this box, you agree to transfer selected data immediately.
5.Click Save.


Review Data Transfer Summary

The data transfer information appears on the "Data Transfer Summary" page.

Source Unit - the balances transfer from the "Source" unit.
Target Unit - the balances transfer to the "Target" unit.
Transfer Data - the data selected to transfer. For example, "All" or "Selected" will appear depending on selections made during the set up.
Transfer Items - the items selected to transfer. For example, "Temporary" or "Payable" will appear depending on selections made during the set up.
Date - the date of the transfer.
User - the user that transferred the data.

Note:  In "Data Input", you can review the transferred data in "Temp Diffs - Tax Basis" as a "Balance Sheet Only" adjustment.