Calculate Flow-Through Factor

The Calculate Flow-Through Factor is designed to assist with the automations of the following data flows:

Elimination Companies


The Calculate Flow-Through Factor functionality allows you to establish rules to transfer data between entities with unlimited levels of hierarchy and push the detail in bulk.


Warning:  A separate licensed module in ONESOURCE Tax Provision is required for the Calculate Flow-Through Factor functionality.


Iterative Calculation

The calculation can be triggered manually or during a report regeneration.
Designed to recalculate when source unit data is modified.
Has the ability to generate consistent and repeated results.
oPrior data is deleted and then the source unit data is re-calculated.
Has the ability to handle multiple parent/child relationships.


You will have a Source Unit with initial data entry and a Source Target with factored data.

2014.0 unit properties flow through pic


Target and Factors



The target areas include:

Permanent Differences
Perm Differences - Book/Tax Basis
Temporary Differences
Temp Differences - Book/Tax Basis
After-Tax Temp Diffs - Book/Tax Basis
After-Tax Temporary Differences
NOL Temporary Differences
Tax Adjustments
State Permanent Differences
State Temporary Differences
State After-Apportionment Temp Diffs
State After-Tax Temp Diffs
State Tax Adjustments
Trial Balance/Tax Basis



Partnership Unit

The following illustration shows factors for a partnership unit source target:

flowthrough Source Unt factored partnership


Elimination Unit

The following illustration shows factors for an elimination unit source target:

flowthrough Source Unit Provision Unit Elim Unit


Data Input

Flow-Through Factor


Target Unit

The target unit is the unit where the numbers will be pushed or sent.  The definition for the flow-through functionality is specified on the target unit.

Flowthrough Factor Review


Flow-Through Factors Source Unit

The data is pulled from a source unit and factors are applied to them before they are written to the target unit.

Data-Input: Flow-Through Factors manual adjustments tag

The tag on the target unit where a user will be allowed to make manual adjustments to existing numbers. The data in the target unit within the manual adjustments tag will not be deleted or zeroed out.

Flowthrough Source View



Exclusion clearing tags

An exclusion tag on the target unit keeps existing data for those tags from changing. The data for these tags is not deleted or cleared out.

Flowthrough Factor Exclusion Tagsw



Exclude clearing the data for these tags on the target unit when not summarizing

One or more tags may be designated for the target unit and data will not be cleared out prior to executing the flow-through factor procedure. Normally, all data in the target unit (except for the manual adjustments tag) will be cleared out prior to processing. This will ensure that the flow-through factor procedure may be executed multiple times resulting in the same answer. The flow-through factor procedure will increment the data for each source unit on top of the data in the target unit. If the target numbers do not start at zero, the flow-through factor procedure will keep adding numbers on top of themselves.


Exclude pulling these tags from the source unit

One or more tags may be designated for exclusion from the flow-through pull. Any component detail designated with a tag in the exclusion tags will not be pulled from the source unit into the target unit.


Include in copy

By selecting a component type (PTBI, perm differences, temp differences), the data from the source unit will be copied and factored into the target unit. The level of detail in the target unit will be determined by the Detail Copy Action option chosen or if a Target Rollup Component is chosen.

Flowthrough Factor Include in Copy

Activity Factors

During the pulling of data from the source unit, the individual factors will be applied. For example, if the Temporary Differences Activity factor is set to 57.50%, then the activity of each temporary difference will be multiplied by 57.50% before the result is added to the target units results.

Flowthrough Factor Activity Factors

Target Rollup Component

The level of detail in the target unit in which data is stored. Options include Copy Detail by Tag, Summarized Detail by Tag or ONESOURCE Tax Provision Component.

Flowthrough Factor Target Roll up

Target Type | tag

If an ONESOURCE Tax Provision component is chosen, then a target tag must also be chosen for each type. The target tag will determine where the data is written to in the target unit.


Configuration Detail

Target rollup component: Copy detail by tag

flowthrough Copy Detail by Tag

Target rollup component: Summarize detail by tag

flowthrough Summarize Detail by Tag


Best Practices

A given component type will only use one of the three detail copy types with the following order of precedence:

1.Roll all detail into a Target Rollup Component.
2.Copy Detail with Original Tag or Summarize Detail into Tag.
If a component type is not selected, then its data will not be changed. It will not be deleted, zeroed out or copied (factored).
ONESOURCE Tax Provision will add the data from multiple source units together and place the additive results into the target unit top of it self on each subsequent run.
Data will be cleared from the target unit as the first step in the calculation process.
If a state is not activated, it will be and the unit data for the source will be used as the basis for creation. It can be changed once the unit is activated.
For a selected unit, any unit can be selected as a source except for the selected unit itself.
A unit cannot be selected if it or any of its parents are a child of the current unit.
The flow-though factor calculation process may either be triggered manually (through the use of a menu selection) or automatically (during the report data regeneration process). The selection of which options are available can be configured in the “Manage Restricted Features” section of the administration module.