Report Settings

Report Settings can be added in the Report Settings tab of the Manage Configurations screen in the System folder, in Administration. You can set the default view for the Tax Provision, Effective Tax Rate, and Deferred Balances reports.


Screen Entry Fields

Report Header Text

Enter the text for the page header when a report is printed.


Report Footer Text

Enter the text for the page footer when a report is printed.


Maximum Pages Wide

Enter the maximum number of pages for printing in landscape format.


Default Selections

Select the default view desired upon opening each report.


To import report settings, complete the required fields on the #CPRU# ParamsReportsUser sheet in the Import Categories template:




REPORTMASK corresponds to the system generated report code in Report Settings. This code is not visible unless exported from the system.
For more information on importing, refer to the Importing Templates documentation.
Manage Restricted Features