System Parameters

System parameters are available in Manage Restricted Features within the Parameter List tab of Administration - Manage System Parameters. You can add or modify system parameters in the ONESOURCE Tax Provision application by importing them. You can import parameters using a system-defined Import Categories template. You can obtain the Import Categories template by exporting the Categories template from Administration. To create a new or modified system parameter, complete the appropriate fields in the #CP# Parameters sheet of the Import Categories template. The maximum number of characters for a system parameter value is 250.

Export System Parameters

To export parameters for Restricted Features:

1.Select Administration, and then click Export Categories.
2.Type the File Name, to specify the export file.
3.Click Save.
4.Click Yes for "Do you want to export Unit Components?"
5.Click Yes for "Do you want to export User Component information?"
6.Click OK, when the export is complete.
7.Open the file and type the parameter in the tab #PD#.


Import System Parameters

To import a parameter in Managed Restricted Features:

1.Select Administration, and then click Import Categories.
2.To specify the import file, type the File Name.
3.Choose the file name and then Open.
4.For Categories Imported Successfully, click OK.
5.The Import Log will appear for review.
6.If Errors exist, correct the #CP# Parameters sheet and re-import the file.


import and export categories


Warning: Some parameters ensure the proper functionality of the system. Do not manipulate a pre-loaded crucial parameter without understanding its purpose. If a crucial parameter is edited or deleted, it may corrupt the software and the system may not run properly or at all. Parameters can only be deleted in Manage Restricted Features.


Screen Entry Fields

Parameter Name

The parameter name is case-specific and must be entered exactly as it is given. Some of the available system parameters are contained in the reference section. For more information regarding parameters and their functionality, contact your Client Manager or Support.

Parameter Value

The parameter value is the associated value for the specific Paramkey. There can be more than one Paramvalue and each may have a different purpose.