State Payable Entry

State Payable Entry information is managed in the State Payable Entry screen under Data Input > State in the Provision dataset and Data Input > Actual > State in the Interim dataset. To maximize the payable functionality ensure that the payable set-up is done to reflect the activity in the taxes payable account.


The payable functionality is activated with a system parameter in Administration > System > Manage Configurations > Advanced Functionality with the Payable Functionality (Recommended), and select Yes.
Automatic posting from the calculated provision to the payable can be activated with a dataset parameter.


To import information to the State Payable Entry screen, complete the appropriate fields on the #SL# State Liability Txns sheet in the Import Numbers template. For more information on importing, refer to the Importing Templates documentation.


Screen Entry Fields


Fiscal Year: The fiscal year is the year that relates to the payable entry.
Jurisdiction: The jurisdiction defaults to the state selected in the Control Center.
Txn Type: The options displayed are established by an Administrator for the transaction types.
Txn Bucket: The options displayed are established by an Administrator for the transaction buckets.
Tag: The tag letter identifies each line entered to the originating source.
Amount: Negative amounts increase and positive amounts reduce the taxable payable account. The amounts should be entered in local currency.
Date: Options in the drop-down menu are limited to dates within the dataset year. The single year restriction can be removed by importing dates for other years or activating a system parameter. In Administration > System > Manage Configurations > select Yes for Adjust Payable Date Range.
FX Rate: The weighted average rate on the date of the entry can be entered.
Description: Each entry line must be identified with a description. If you do not enter a description, you will receive a "Please check your entries for accuracy." error message.