TS Database Analyzer

TS Database Analyzer is available in the Provision, Estimated Payment, and Interim datasets in the Reporting area > Administration folder.

To use this functionality, you must agree to the following statement: ONESOURCE Tax Provision does not support or warrant the accuracy or validity of any numbers produced by this tool. You must agree that you will not rely on the results of queries run within to support any tax provision calculations.
The functionality is designed for users who have a working knowledge of database and database queries (SQL).
The query analyzer gives you the ability to run ad hoc queries against the database. It does not allow database data to be changed. Query scripts cannot contain DELETE, UPDATE, CREATE, INSERT, ALTER or TRUNCATE statements.
Query results can be exported to Excel by selecting Export Excel from File on the upper left side of the Menu Bar.
Report-Ready views contain pre-calculated, report-ready results. Views contain both local and reporting currency numbers. Query filters must be used.
In versions prior to 6.0, the TS Database Analyzer option was available by default. In version 6.0 and higher, the Navigator does not display this option unless the SHOW_DATABASEANALYZER parameter is added with a paramvalue of 1.