Unit State Dataset Parameter

Unit State Dataset Parameters are defined in the Navigator under Data Input > State > Administration in the Provision and Estimated Payments datasets and under Data Input > Actual > State > Administration in an Interim dataset. Administrators use unit state dataset parameters to change how data is treated or represented within a state within a unit in a dataset.


Pre-established unit dataset parameters can be added, modified, or deleted. When adding or modifying parameters, use care, as they can potentially change calculations across all the units in a dataset. Parameters are pre-defined and are case-sensitive. The Key Type and Value have specific designations for each parameter. Deleting parameters is not recommended because they may be required for the system to function properly. It is recommended that you de-activate a parameter, rather than deleting it.


To import a new unit state dataset parameter, complete the appropriate fields on the #USDSP# USDS Params sheet in the Import Numbers template. For more information on importing, refer to the Importing Templates documentation.


Unit State Dataset Parameters allow you to type parameters and then additional functionality is available in the application.

To configure parameter in "Unit State Dataset Parameters":

1.Select Data Input and then double-click a State.
2.Double-click Administration and then click Unit State Dataset Parameters.
3.Type the Parameter Key, Parameter Type, and then Parameter Value.
4.Click Save.