View Categories Data Source History

The View Categories Data Source History captures the application configurations entered, adjusted, and/or deleted.

Each entry is identified by user and given a time and date stamp.
Although it is not advised, the categories audit trail can be truncated by adding a system parameter that will clear historical data.


Screen Entry Fields

Component Type

Defaults to <all> components, but any component type can be selected from the drop-down list.



Defaults to <all> users, but any user can be selected from the drop-down list.



Defaults to the current date, but can be changed to any date by either entering a date or selecting the Calendar drop-down menu.



Defaults to the current date, but can be changed to any date by either entering a date or selecting the Calendar drop-down menu.


View By

To view data for All, single, or multiple Component Types, Data Source, Change Type, Users, Date, and Code select the drop-down boxes and filter the data for that purpose.


You may also select From: and To: for the calendar to get specific dates to capture data.


Select Go, and a list of component types will display for all data that has been captured in the Audit Trail.  You may use the page arrows to page forward, back, to the beginning, and end of the list.