View Numbers Data Source History


View Data Source History Numbers enables you to access the Audit Trail for balances imported into the Tax Provision application. View Data Source History Numbers lists rows of information that are filtered, sorted, and exported to Excel.


You can filter by Dataset, Component Type, Unit, User, To, From, and State. The data appears in a grid format for review. You can select one, all, or various filters to customize the view.


To View Data Source History Numbers:

1.Select All or a specific Dataset.
2.Select All or a specific Component Type.
3.Select All or a specific Unit.
4.Select All or a specific User.
5.Select All or a specific State.
6.Select All or a specific To.
7.Select All or a specific From.
8.Click Go. All the data that is saved for the Audit Trail appears. The list appears in sections by "Component Type."

Audit Trail Numbers Data Source History



One benefit of the Data Source History is the ability to filter.  Utilize the smart filter by dragging column headers, such as Component Type, Unit, Change Type, Date, and Code to the row "Drag a column header here to group by that column." Then, you can export the data to excel, if desired.
View Data Source History Numbers is not available for Read/Write users.


Administration - Export to Excel

You can select the Data Source for data entry such as a Permanent Difference, Temporary Difference, Active Workpapers and Data Source Bridge Import.

1.Click the plus sign to expand the list for review.
2.Right mouse click and select Export to Excel.
3.Select the File name and then Save.


Data Entry - Export to Excel

You can select the Data Source for data entry such as a Permanent Difference, Temporary Difference, Active Workpapers and Data Source Bridge Import.

1.Double-click Data Source for a Component Code.
2.Right mouse click and select Export to Excel.
3.Select the File name and then Save.


Data Entry_Data Source_Filtered_export to excel_name file


Note: The data is saved in the same format as the filtered information. Upon opening the Excel file, you will see the data in a grid format that mirrors the ONESOURCE Tax Provision application. If you choose not to filter, you may end up with a long list of items to sort through.


The following example was filtered by Date, and Change Type.  Each column displays the same headers as the application.

Data Entry_Data Source_Filtered_export to excel_view excel file


Right mouse click, allows the ability to Select or De-select columns and Reset all saved settings.

Data Entry_Perm_Data Source_Reset all saved settings