Forecast Reports

There are four Forecast Reports. Each report lists different components of the total provision.

The Forecast Rate report is in local and reporting currency, and can be viewed in summary or detail format. Links on the top right of the page enable users to switch from summary to detail, and from local currency to reporting currency. It also includes links to variance reports, Q1-Q2 Variance and Q2-Q3 Variance.
The Forecast Deferred Provision report is in local and reporting currency, and can be viewed in summary or detail format. Links on the top right of the page enable users to switch from summary to detail, and from local currency to reporting currency. It also includes links to the Forecast Rate report. This report shows the balances that make up the total forecast deferred provision.
The Questionnaire Summary report shows the questions as well as the answers for all questionnaires, on a unit-by-unit basis.
The Local Forecast Rate report is in local and reporting currency, and can be viewed in summary or detail format. Users can select summary, detail, and then local currency to reporting currency. Also, the report includes variance reports; such as, the Q1-Q2 and Q2-Q3 variance reports. The reports can have up to 15 time periods.

Note: All reports meet the requirements of US GAAP.