Local Reports

Users can view two Local Reports and each report lists different components of the total provision. Each report has the option to toggle between Local and Reporting currencies. The reports are available on a jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction basis. Users can select the jurisdiction in the drop-down list of active jurisdictions, located above the Local Data Entry section.

The Local Tax Provision report is available in both Local and Reporting currency and on a jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction basis. Users can select the link on the top right of the page to toggle between local and reporting currencies.

Review this report to verify that the information users entered achieved the correct effect.

The Local Deferred Balances report is available in both local and reporting currency. It can be viewed in a summary or detail format. The report is also available on a before tax, State, Federal Benefit of State, and State and FBOS basis. In addition, users can expand the report to show the current year activity, reconciling beginning balances to ending balances using both balance sheet and income statement approaches.