6.1 Release Overview

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The following items were addressed in this release:



The User Manual is now available within the application by clicking the Help link.
Headers are now locked on all data entry pages (unit list, temp diffs, etc.) to make scrolling within a list easier.
Users can switch datasets without having to go to the Unit List page. When a dataset is changed via the drop-down list, the system will reset to the first page of that dataset (typically the Unit Data page)
Session timeout is now 30 minutes.  A message pops up warning you that your session is about to end.  You can continue or end your session.



New links on the login screen: "Forgot password?" and "Request New Access" to facilitate administration.  These links are user defined via parameters.
EMAIL_FORGOTPWD with a paramvalue of the email address(es)
EMAIL_NEWACCESS with a paramvalue of the email address(es)
The "force user to change password" setting in ONESOURCE Tax Provision is now respected in Global Access (Corrected Issue)
Changes to instructions can now be made directly in the application by Administrators, rather than only through an import.
Can now require questions be answered before sign off
The addition of Yes, No, N/A response questions
New functionality which is similar to questionnaires, but which can be configured for various statuses, such as Incomplete, Prepared, and 1st-level reviewed.
Can require questions on a checklist to be answered before sign off
Can have different checklists per sign off role



Single Line Temporary Difference entry (must be properly set up in ONESOURCE Tax Provision)
New Temp Diff Analysis page which doesn't require knowledge of tags for entering Temps
Can display Prior year information on Temp Diff Analysis page for Temps
Parameter SHOW_PRIOR with a paramvalue of 1
Return to Provision
Ability to hide RTP columns to allow user to enter RTP directly into the Difference column
Parameter HIDE_RTPCOLUMNS with a paramvalue of 1
Ability to add comments to RTPs
Parameter SHOW_RTP_COMMENTS with a paramvalue of 1
Able to edit After Tax Temporary Differences in RTP units (Corrected Issue)
You can now re-enter entries that were previously deleted in Return to Provision units (Corrected Issue)



Plug in Reports can now be displayed. (They must be properly set up in ONESOURCE Tax Provision)
Configurable Journal Entry (JE) Reports
Style sheets for custom and configurable JE reports and the JE menu can now be uploaded.  For more information, please refer to the Global Access User Manual.