Actual Temporary Differences Summary (FG)

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The Actual Temp. Diff. Summary (FG) report displays current and non-current temporary differences for the selected filing group. This report takes all current assets and nets them against the current liabilities, as well as all non-current assets and nets them against non-current liabilities. This occurs on a filing group basis and on a temporary difference-by-temporary difference basis, not on a unit-by-unit basis. Totals for both current and non-current temporary differences display at the bottom of the report.


Unlike the other Temporary Difference Summary report this report cannot be viewed by unit. It can be viewed by only by temporary difference. This report is available in the National Only, National and Jurisdiction, and Jurisdiction Only views. These views determine the values that appear in each column. National Only contains differences that have a national component. National and Jurisdiction contains differences that impact both the National and Jurisdiction provisions. Jurisdiction Only contains differences that have a jurisdiction component.


You also can view the report by current asset/liability, non-current asset/liability, as well as rolled up by component. Clicking different view options from the top right changes the organization of data in the report.


Note: The Deferred Rollups are the same that were set up for the Actual Deferred Balances report.