Manage Questionnaires

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Administrators use the Manage Questionnaires page to create dataset-specific questionnaires. To activate this page, enable the Advanced Questionnaire parameter.

Questions are assigned a unique code and are ordered according to the coding scheme. For each question, Administrators assign a response type: Text, Yes/No, Yes/No or N/A, Number, Decimal, or Header.

Selecting Header allows users to create titles for different sections of the questionnaire.
If the Required field is set to True, the question must be answered before sign-off.
Questionnaires can be set up and imported into Corporate Edition through the #UQUEST# Questionnaires and the #UQSTNS# Questions tabs on the Import Numbers template. Note: For more information on importing, refer to the Importing Templates documentation.
You can assign the same questionnaire to more than one datasetuse with the Copy questions from function.