Unit List

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The Unit List page displays the entities for which each user is responsible. Each unit has been given a legal entity name and an identification number. The control grid shows the status of work done on each unit. Columns and rows in the control grid represent datasets and units, respectively.


This list can be sorted by clicking the headers (i.e., Unit, Unit Code, etc.). Each dataset can also be sorted by sign-off status by clicking the header. Click Begin for the unit you would like to start working on.


Make sure that the Unit List is complete and accurate. If you would like to add or delete a unit from the list, contact the appropriate person on the Corp. Tax Dept Contacts page.


Note: After you sign off, no further data can be entered for this unit without permission from the Corporate Tax Department.


Users must be set up first in Corporate Edition with contact information. Administrators must assign units, roles, and subconsolidations to each user. In addition, Administrators must assign components, such as permanent and temporary differences, to each unit. For more information, refer to the Administration section.


Each unit has a legal entity name and an identification number. The control grid shows the status of work done on each unit. After all data has been entered, click the Commit button on the Sign-Off page.


Unit List