Currency Rates

You can populate your currency rates in a specific dataset by using the Currency Rates option. You can select the currency as well as enter the Beginning Deferred FX Rate, Ending Deferred FX Rate, and Weighted Average FX Rate. You must set up the dataset parameter in order to access the "Country Rates" option in the navigation tree.


To activate the Currency Rates option:

1.Type CurrencyRates for the Parameter Name.
2.Select Alphanumeric for the Parameter Type.
3.Type Y for the Parameter Value.


2014.0 dataset currency rates parameter


Screen Entry Fields



Select a Currency Symbol from the list.



Enter the Beginning Deferred FX, Ending Deferred FX and Weighted Average FX rates.


To enter data for Currency Rates:

1.Select Data Input and then Dataset.
2.Select Administration and then Currency Rates.
3.Select the Currency.
4.Type the Beg Deferred FX Rate.
5.Type the End Deferred FX Rate.
6.Type the Wghtd Avg FX Rate.

2014.0 dataset currency rates



Mass Update Rates enables you to apply Tax and Currency Rates on a universal basis to datasets.
For information on overriding rates, see Override Option.


Copy From Admin

Select Copy from Admin to copy the currency rates set up in the Administration area.

2014.0 dataset currency rates copy from


Populate All

Select Populate All to add all default currency rates from the Administration area.

2014.0 dataset currency rates populate all