Excel Add-in Frequently Asked Questions


1. Is the Excel Add-In the same product as ONESOURCE Data Exchange?



Yes, ONESOURCE Data Exchange was rebranded as the Excel Add-In in Q4 of 2013. It is the same product that ONESOURCE Income Tax has had and functions the same way.



2. Can the Excel Add-In be licensed just for ONESOURCE Tax Provision and not ONESOURCE Income Tax?



Yes, users can license the Excel Add-In if they just license Provision or Income Tax.



3. Does the user need to be hosted by ONESOURCE in order to download and use the Excel Add-In?



No, the Excel Add-In is available to both hosted and non-hosted clients of ONESOURCE.



4. Is any version of ONESOURCE Tax Provision compatible with the Excel Add-In?



Yes, the Excel Add-In can be used with version 7.0 or later of ONESOURCE Tax Provision. The user will need version 8.2 or later to download the Excel Add-In directly from the application; otherwise, the user will need to call ONESOURCE Support to receive the necessary files.



5. What version of Microsoft Excel and other additional settings are required to run the Excel Add-In?



The user must have at least Microsoft Office 2003 Professional (SP2), .NET 2.0 or greater, and the .NET Programmability Feature must be installed on the user’s computer to use the Excel Add-In.



6. Does the user need to be logged into ONESOURCE Tax Provision while using the Excel Add-In?


No, as part of the setup of the Excel Add-In, the user will enter his/her Universal ID and password in the Settings menu of the Excel Add-In. In the Settings menu, the user will also have the path to their database mapped. Once entered, the user will not need to re-enter this information and can import data directly into ONESOURCE Tax Provision without having to login to the ONESOURCE Platform.



7. Can the Excel Add-In import into all types of datasets in ONESOURCE Tax Provision?



Yes, the Excel Add-In can import into Provision, Estimated Payments, and Interim (Actual & Forecast) datasets.



8. Can the Excel Add-In have multiple maps on the same worksheet?



Yes, there is no limit to the number of maps a worksheet can have; however, the worksheet may require some reformatting to accommodate multiple maps.



9. Can the Excel Add-In have maps to multiple datasets in ONESOURCE Tax Provision on the same worksheet?



Yes, there is no limit to the number of datasets that can be mapped using the Excel Add-In; however, the worksheet may require reformatting to accommodate the multiple dataset maps.



10. Can the Excel Add-in be used with worksheets containing external links, calculations, and other software tools (i.e., Hyperion Retrieve)?



Yes, the Excel Add-In can be used with worksheets containing these items.



11. Can the Excel Add-In import multiple active workbooks simultaneously into ONESOURCE Tax Provision?



Yes, the Excel Add-In can import multiple workbooks that have active mappings into ONESOURCE Tax Provision, as long as the appropriate settings are configured in the Settings menu.



12. Is an import log generated after data is sent to ONESOURCE Tax Provision?



Yes, an import log detailing what data imported or failed to import is emailed to the user.



13. Is the Excel Add-In available for both Admin and Read/Write users of ONESOURCE Tax Provision?



Yes, both Admin and Read/Write users can use the Excel Add-In.



14. Is the Excel Add-In available for Global Access users of ONESOURCE Tax Provision?



Yes, Global Access users can use the Excel Add-In; however, Global Access users would need to work with their Admin users to get the download and updates for the Excel Add-In.



15. Does the Excel Add-In respect the access rights setup in the Administration tab of ONESOURCE Tax Provision?



Yes, the Excel Add-In will respect the access rights setup in the Administration tab of ONESOURCE Tax Provision.



16. Can the Excel Add-In be used with DataFlow to import data into ONESOURCE Tax Provision?



Yes, the Excel Add-In is how DataFlow users will import data from their DataFlow templates into ONESOURCE Tax Provision.



17. I just changed my user ID and/or Password and tried to initiate the transfer, but I don’t see my data in ONESOURCE Tax Provision, what should I do?



After a user defines a new user ID and/or Password in the Settings dialog box Login tab, the user needs to save the Login settings first by clicking “OK”. Then, the user must return to the Settings dialog box, select the Destination tab and click the Refresh button to retrieve all instances available to the defined user.



18. Can the Excel Add-In be used to map values in a pivot table?



No, the Excel Add-In cannot map values in a pivot table.



19. Can a shared or protected workbook be mapped with Excel Add-In?



No. At this time, if you map a shared and protected workbook you will not see the mapping and no message appears stating that shared and protected workbooks cannot be mapped. With the November release, a message l appears stating the shared and protected workbook cannot be mapped.



20. Can you map a worksheet containing filters or a cell/range of cells in a pivot table?



No. At this time, if you map a shared and protected workbook you will not see the mapping and no message appears stating that shared and protected workbooks cannot be mapped. With the November release, a message appears stating the shared and protected workbook cannot be mapped.