Manage Global Attachments

The Global Attachments screen allows you to upload style sheets and other system files that have various purposes within the program. Once a file is uploaded, it deploys to all users who have access to the system.


Note: This screen is not available until the GLOBAL_XSL system parameter with a parameter value of 1 has been added.

Screen Entry Fields



If the file being uploaded relates to a style sheet, then the code must match the code given for the report. When you are given the file from the system, you are provided with this code.



Click Browse to locate the file. Once you select Add or Update, the file is stored in the database. Any future changes to the system do not affect the style sheet being used by the system.



Enter a description of the file being uploaded.



The Browse and Update Attachment and Attachment Save As buttons only display if the GLOBAL_XSL_BROWSEUPDATE and GLOBAL_XSL_SAVEAS system parameters respectively have been added with a parameter value of 1.
You will need this parameter to view the Audit Trail created when working with the Enhanced Integration transfer.  For more information on Enhanced Integration, see the Enhanced Integration User Manual.