Unit State Dataset Parameter

When a unit’s auto-generated payable transactions need to be re-classed to a parent unit on a state level, a unit state dataset parameter needs to be created. This parameter must be created for every child unit for which the payable is to be re-classed.


To create the unit state dataset parameter:

1.Select the desired child unit in the Control Center.
2.Click Data Input  and then State.
3.Next, select Administration and then Unit State Dataset Parameters.
4.Type PAYRECUNIT for the "Parameter Key", for the "Parameter Type", select alphanumeric, and then the parent unit code for "Parameter Value." 

It is possible to reclassify many units to a single target. For example, units A, B and C may be reclassified to unit X. The reclassification payable transaction entries in the target unit X will represent the aggregation of all the reclassification's from each of A, B and C.