Publishing Datasets |
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On the Manage Active Datasets screen of Corporate Edition, Administrators can publish one dataset or multiple datasets. The Single Dataset Configuration is currently not being used. Be sure to use the Multiple Dataset Configuration section to publish a dataset. There are three ways to publish a dataset:
Note that the order of datasets can be adjusted by using the Up and Down buttons, which shuffle the selected dataset up or down the list. The top dataset appears as the leftmost dataset on the Unit List page.
In order to publish a provision dataset, select the dataset and enter either yeprov or yeprovgs as the Col. Type. (As mentioned above, a yeprov dataset uses standard permanent/temporary data entry pages and a yeprovgs use separate data entries for GAAP/STAT and STAT/Tax permanents and temporaries.) Col. Header displays the name of the dataset that will display in Global Access, The name can be any text (e.g., “Full Year Provision”). Leave the Equiv and Next fields blank. Click Add to publish the dataset. In the screen shot, they have N/A.
To publish a reporting dataset, select the reporting dataset and enter reporting as the Col. Type. Col. Header displays the name of the dataset that will display in Global Access. The name can be any text (e.g., YTD Provision). Leave the Equiv and Next fields blank. Click Add to publish the reporting dataset.
To publish a return dataset, select the dataset and enter retprov as a Col. Type. Enter any text for Col. Header. Because you have the option to activate the Return to Provision module in Global Access, it is important that you complete the next steps:
In addition to publishing a return to provision dataset, there are additional configurations that need to be completed. For more information, refer to the Return to Provision section. |