Sign-Off Levels

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When a user is set up for Global Access, the administrator needs to grant them access to a set of units and a user level (Preparer, 1st reviewer, 2nd reviewer, etc) in Corporate Edition. There are up to 8 levels of sign-off available in Global Access.


Unit List: Allows you to see units on the Global Access Unit List page.


Preparer: Grants you the ability to change values in a unit, as long as the unit is in the "incomplete" state. Also allows the user to sign-off from Incomplete to Prepared.


1st Reviewer: Allows you to sign-off from Prepared to 1st Level Reviewed or roll back from Prepared to Incomplete.


2nd Reviewer: Allows you to sign-off from 1st Level Reviewed to 2nd Level Reviewed or roll back from 1st Level Reviewed to Prepared.


Access levels can also be imported through the #CUC# User Components tab in the Import Categories template.



For more information on importing categories, refer to the Importing Templates documentation.
You must have access to a unit as a preparer to edit the data in the unit. Thus, a preparer is associated with a set of units in the Unit List and also the Preparer roles.